Powerchem is an avid supporter of any and all programs and policies that support “Green” issues, such as water pollution, the ozone & the effect of emissions, recycling, etc… Thailand is a rich and beautiful country that has experienced its own fair share of environmental problems; at Powerchem we choose to be part of the solution, not the problem.
We encourage all suppliers and customers to adopt the same methodology and adhere to their own government legislations and abide by moral principles.
We strive at every step of every process to promote and protect the environment that we are so lucky to inhabit. All products and materials are kept in clean, humid free containers and rotated systematically to ensure correct usage and minimize waste. Our water treatment process produces 0% waste. All water is filtered, decontaminated and purified, before reusing. The final destination of any water processed by Powerchem is to feed our plentiful grounds of grass, shrubs and trees.
All solid waste products which cannot be utilized are securely contained and shipped to an independent Government registered land-fill site, for safe and environmentally friendly disposal.
ISO 14001:2015
Powerchem Group Co., Ltd 48, 50 Udomsuk 51, Sukhumvit 103, Bangjak, Prakanong, Bangkok. 10260 Thailand
Tel: (662) 746-5250-2 Fax: (662) 746-5253 For International Enquiries Please Call: (668) 1140-8888